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‘Students for Campus Carry’ organization denied by SGA

David Hudman

I started Students for Campus Carry at Troy University during the fall 2013 semester.


I wanted to use this group to change the current policy at Troy University that infringes on the inalienable right of students, faculty, staff and visitors to keep and bear arms.


Under Alabama law, the Alabama state legislature is the only entity allowed to regulate firearms.


I recognized that Troy University is overstepping their authority and wanted to raise awareness about this issue.


While I was building support for my group, I met a lot of students who agreed with my idea that students should not lose their rights when they come onto a college campus.


I also said that Troy University would not be the only university to allow students to carry guns on campus.


Utah’s state legislature passed a law that specifically protects the right of students to keep and bear arms on campus and prevents state universities from infringing on this right in any way.


Interestingly, there have not been any shootings at public universities in Utah.


I applied to become a recognized student organization at the end of fall 2013.


Our constitution was received before the last meeting, so it would be placed on docket and voted on during the next meeting in January.


Before the first meeting in January, I received a call from the SGA president who asked that I wait a week for our group’s vote in order to respect the students who were victims of gun-related tragedies over the break.


I complied with this request to wait one week. On Jan. 21, the Troy University SGA refused to recognize our group by a 14-12 vote.


During the debate, there were no negative comments and we were given no reason for our rejection. My video of this meeting has received over 900 views on YouTube.


On Jan. 27, I submitted my appeal letter to Senior Vice Chancellor Dew.


I received a personal email within 30 minutes that our group was approved on the basis of free speech.


While I understand that gun-related issues bring about emotional responses, I wish that there was honest debate at the SGA meeting where I could defend my ideas.


With the help of others, I will continue to raise awareness about issues like these and raise awareness for Adam Kokesh who was wrongfully imprisoned for loading a shotgun in Washington, D.C., even though the gun ban in Washington, D.C., was proved to be unconstitutional.




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