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  • Cassie Gibbs

Students plan to explore the past

In a time of smart phones and sports cars, there is a group traveling to the past to relive the medieval era.


The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a group that hopes to recreate the medieval era for those with a passion for the time.


A group of students hope to start a “college”here at Troy, called the College of Ilium, in order to help students learn about the history of the time and learn skills that would be relevant to the medieval era. The word “ilium”is Latin for Troy.


Ilium can be found in the kingdom of Meridies, which constitutes all of Alabama and parts of Georgia and Tennessee.


Ray Jeffcoat, the current seneschal (president) of Ilium and sophomore anthropology major from Prattville, is excited to restart the group at Troy.


“There are multiple goals for the college,”Jeffcoat said. “For the college, one is to educate the populace. It’s something that is dear to the SCA. Administratively, I would like to start a group here on campus and start strong. The last goal is to expose students to this.”


There previously was a college on campus about 30 years ago called the Fallen Star.


Both SCA and Ilium would teach those interested in the group different skills that were prominent in the medieval era such as archery, cooking and blacksmithing. It would also hold workshops to teach calligraphy, cooking, fighting, etc.



SCA focuses on the years from 600-1600 a.d. There are SCA events held throughout the year that include tournaments, battles and dances.


Jeffcoat said that if Ilium’s members wanted to have an event, the group would do their best to host one.


Christopher Cooper, a freshman undecided major from Prattville, said that people should know that Ilium is available for those who appreciate history and Medieval arts.


“There is an organization where such interests can be applied,”Cooper said.“This group is the perfect thing for that.”


Victoria Monroe, a freshman undeclared major from Prattville, has family members who were involved with the original group on campus. Hearing stories about the group from her parents, she said that she was excited about being involved with the group this year.


“This is going to be my first event,”Monroe said. “I’m excited. I’m going to be a second-generation of my family in SCA. My parents had fun with it and my aunt is still active in SCA where she lives. My parents know people who are still involved with it.”



“I encourage people to come out and see what we’re about, even if you aren’t sure that you are interested,”Jeffcoat said. “We’re more than willing to show what we do.”


For those interested in joining Ilium, the group will be having interest meetings Thursday, Sept 18 and Sept 25 in TC 224 at 6 pm.

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