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‘Suicide Squad’ disappoints

Sable Riley

“Suicide Squad” holds its position as the No. 1 movie in the country for a week straight, despite discouraging feedback from critics and fans.


“Suicide Squad” is a PG-13 rated sci-fi action film released by Warner Bros. Pictures Aug. 5, 2016.


IMDB has given “Suicide Squad” a fan rating of 6.9/10 and a critic rating of 40/100, although fan ratings are expected to drop. The film has a 26 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.


The hype generated before its release excited many movie-goers. However, audiences generally leave dissatisfied.


The much awaited film seemed to be some forced, Avengers-inspired paradox in which the villains desired the glory of a hero. The characters shared no common thread besides a prison and selfish motives, so they had few intimate interactions.


It seems obvious that the production of the film was rushed in an effort to provide a smooth transition to “Justice League,” set to premiere in 2017. The rush of its release has critics taking note of the many mistakes in direction and plot.


The movie’s box office success is most likely due to the introduction of the highly anticipated DC character Harley Quinn, expertly portrayed by rising starlet Margot Robbie.


Robbie and Jared Leto prove for an unpredictably psychotic prince and princess of crime, deserving of an independent film that showcases their own twisted love tale.


Instead, their love story is broken up into many short flashbacks that fail to capture the sadistic nature of the Joker and Quinn’s relationship.


Will Smith’s role as Deadshot also appeared to be written in the stars. His character was one with a well-rounded backstory and believable motives, and Smith nailed the act.


The film’s failure fell with the masterminds in production — obvious reshoots and introducing too many new characters at one time and unevenly representing them.


Although their stories were introduced in high-energy comic book style, they lacked in-depth characterization. There were only vague answers to the most important fan inquiries like “Why are they bad?”


“What was the story behind Boomerang’s pink plush unicorn?” Many of these significant plot holes leave fans wondering if there will be a follow-up with some answers.


Many of the characters with some kind of historical narrative proved lackluster and did not gain the sympathy of the audience. Who would really care that much if the Killer Croc died?


In the end scene, the stakes did not seem very high. There was very little tension, and fans were not on the edges of their seats as they should be for the climactic battle scene.


Instead, the air was lighthearted and no one was severely injured, except el Diablo, who not-so-tragically died.


One aspect of the film worth some applause was the work of the actors. The roles they portrayed were executed with near perfection.


DC also had success in creating some media frenzy, fan interest and an avenue to create several spinoffs.


I give the movie 6/10 for some ingenuity, comedy and an overall mildly pleasurable viewing experience.


Is “Suicide Squad” worth watching? With the discount of a student ID, maybe, if only to extinguish one’s curiosities.


The University Activities Council will be hosting the first Dollar Movie Night Wednesday, Aug. 17, at Continental Cinemas, where “Suicide Squad” is showing.


UAC will host Dollar Movie Nights once a month thereafter. Kiosks to buy tickets can be found on the first floor of the Trojan Center.



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