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  • Andrew Clay

The Latest on Troy SGA

Photo by: Visarut Pawawongsak


The Student Government Association was alive with activity as a resolution was passed unanimously and three pieces of new business were added to docket for next week.


The first order of new business that the SGA voted on regarded the Information and Technologies Department of Troy University’s policy of only allowing students to register two devices, per student, to be assigned to the network at one time.


The resolution was written by Senator Sara Patrick with the purpose of stopping the needless quarantine of students.


“Be it resolved, that Troy University SGA recommends that the Troy IT Department allow more than one device of each nature to connect to the network without quarantine.”


The resolution was supported by Senator Sydney Smith in floor discussion. Senator Smith finds quarantine “really annoying,” and spoke to her experience as a journalism student being quarantined for needing to exceed current limits to complete her homework.


Now that the resolution has passed SGA, it will enter a process where the SGA, representing the student body, and the IT Department will open a dialogue regarding the feasible nature of the implementation of the purposed changes.


Adviser Barbara Patterson advices the SGA members that these resolutions are the first step in a long process. She remembers when the first resolution passed to add a food court to the TC to raise the quality of student life.


It was not until years later after the original drafters of the resolution had graduated that the current food court was finally implemented.


President Will Thompson announced that the Student Discount Cards currently have approximately 50 local business interested in participation and expects that number to rise.


Thompson also displayed the design for the front of the discount cards at the meeting.


Resolutions that were added to docket for voting at the next meeting concerned the formation of the club, Artists Striving to End Poverty (ASTEP), the amending of the dress code Senators must adhere to during meetings and finally the clearing of trees from the empty lot located off of Pell Avenue in front of Fraternity Village.


Senator Smith of the Academic Life committee authored the resolution in order to maximize the space for community use.


The resolution would like the trees currently inhabiting that area of campus to be cleared. Senator Smith stated that the idea that an endangered frog species inhabits those trees “seems like hogwash.”


Senator Rebecca Lindsey supported that addition of the resolution to docket.


“I actually think that it will help a great deal with independent students,” Senator Lindsey said. “I know it is in front of Fraternity village but as I stated before supporting this. This is for a university as a whole.”


This area, if newly cleared, would provide an independent space for all students to take advantage of during their free times.


It would not be locked in the same manner as the intramural fields and is closer to campus than Sorority Hill.


“I do feel it would benefit everybody in the student body,” Senator Lindsey said. “It could help the greek community and the independent community come together to share a bond.”

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