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  • Katie Miller

The right march

For approximately 5 million people worldwide, inauguration day was the preliminary for the Women’s March on Washington. Men and women from around the globe gathered together to defend the unity principles of the march.


Women of all religions, races and sexualities were recognized as important in an effort to convey what was arguably the march’s central idea: women’s rights are human rights.


According to the march’s website, their mission and vision statement reads, “We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families—recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.”


I saw many articles where conservatives expressed that they felt unwelcome in the march because they had a positive outlook on Donald Trump.


People in the march were holding signs in opposition to our new president, even though the march’s purpose was to promote women’s rights, not directly insult our new president.


But of course many people, including women, are going to be angry with a president who has made countless horrible comments about women.


Calling a woman “Miss Piggy,” saying abortion should be punishable and calling women “fat” or “pigs”—this is infuriating. This doesn’t even mention his comments on where to grab women.


Luckily, this disgusting remark was mocked during the march; in response to the insult, men and women alike showed up in pink knitted hats.


The march was a movement of individuals whose self-worth was diminished during the last few years of campaigning. It was a march that stood up for women and their importance in society. It was a march that expressed basic human rights that should already be recognized.


It’s disappointing that women still need to stand up for ourselves on such a large scale.


At this point in time, we should all be in the same mindset of inclusion and appreciating each other’s differences. Women should know that they matter, and their hard work is not in vain.


Thanks to the march and its sister marches, many more women came to realize their importance.


I am sure of that.

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