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Time flies when you’re having fun


By Samantha Bankster

Graphic Design Editor

Time sure does fly by when you are having fun! It feels like yesterday I was beginning my journey at Troy University, and now I am less than three weeks away from graduation.


These past four years at Troy have gone by so quickly, but I couldn’t have asked for a better college experience. When I first started Troy, I never would have thought I would be working for the Tropolitan my senior year.


Thanks to my professor, Ed Noriega, and last year’s Graphic Design Editor, Taylor Bowser, I was given the opportunity to join the Trop staff as their 2015-2016 Graphic Design Editor. I have had a wonderful time working for the Trop.


Not only have I discovered a new way to use my graphic design skills; I also gained knowledge and experience that I can take with me to future jobs.


Trop staff, you are truly one of a kind. Thank you for making my time at Trop so much fun and memorable. Michael Shipma, sports editor, thanks to all of your lovely sticky note drawings, I can read really bad handwriting now.


Tori Roper, feature editor, I am so grateful that you could make the majority of your graphics on your own; it made my job a little less stressful.


Jane Morrell, opinion editor, I know it took some time and effort, but thank you for finally bringing me the Almond Joys you promised me like three months ago.


Kianna Collins, arts and entertainment editor, I think I found the least amount of mistakes on your pages overall.


Grishma Rimal, news editor, the many requests for different graphics last semester definitely tested my creativity and Illustrator skills.


April Irvin, photo editor, you have awesome photography skills.


Thomas Gleaton, chief copy editor, your goofy personality brought lots of laughs to the Trop office.


Last, but not least, Ngoc Vo, editor-in-chief, you have been such a great leader this year, and the Trop won’t be the same without you. Even though you may have driven me crazy some layout nights, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.


I am so glad that I am able to call each and every one of you my friend.


Thank you for such an amazing year, and you will be missed dearly! To all my fellow editors who are also saying goodbye:


“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” wrote Dr. Seuss.




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