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To be Greek, or not to be Greek

Jamal Carswell

The question of whether to pledge your allegiance to a Greek organization is one that each and every college student will ponder at some point.


Instead of talking about the different origins and facts surrounding each and every fraternity and sorority, the main point discussed will be the universal reasons students flock or abstain from these organizations.


There are valid arguments on both sides of the topic of joining or not joining a Greek organization.


Reeves Campbell, a freshman biomedical science major from Troy, Ala., had many different reasons as to why she joined her sorority.


Campbell’s biggest motivation was the academic benefits that were offered by her sorority.


Study hall is a required aspect of sorority life, challenging members to maintain a high GPA and academic standard.


Campbell also described her excitement about the Academic Excellence Advisor, yet another factor to boost the academic standard of the members of her sorority.


Campbell, as well as many other students, was drawn in by the social benefits sorority life boasted.


Campbell said, “It was nice to know that I already knew a lot of people before school had even started.”


It is a widely known and accepted fact that being in a Greek organization demands a high amount of social interaction.


There are numerous events, socials and programs that must be attended by the members of fraternities and sororities.


Events done by these Greek organizations can vary from things on campus for the students, to things in the community.


Connections can also be a driving factor for students to join a Greek organization.


The chance to be connected with important figures from all different walks of life by an organization is a chance that is coveted by many.


There is also a strong sense of family within and among the organizations.


Members refer to each other as “brothers” or “sisters,” a practice that strengthens the bond between members.


There are still those who oppose joining Greek organizations.


Josh Richards, a junior English major from Troy, Ala., had a different approach to Greek organizations.


Richards said, “Whereas there are many different benefits to Greek organizations, they don’t compel me to try and join.”


Knowledge was a big factor in joining a fraternity for Richards.


He said that he “didn’t know anything about them or anyone in them” when he started school, and that turned him off of the idea.


When asked if he would join now that he is in his junior year, Richards stated that he still would not.


Richards explained that the stereotypes surrounding the Greek system are a major part of his opposition.


Among students, rumors concerning fraternities and sororities are rampant, mainly about the more popular Greek organizations and Hollywood’s portrayal of Greek life.


Stereotypes can range from “fraternities are nothing but giant parties” to “sororities are just a cesspool of debauchery.”


Stereotypes and rumors, valid or not, do cause fear and curiosity in the minds of students.


Some students hear about the stereotypes and take them to heart, keeping their distance from the organizations.


Some hear the rumors and decide to find out if they are true.


Other students are totally indifferent to these rumors, and are not interested in the truth of the matter.


In any case, there are always going to be opposing views on the subject of joining a fraternity or sorority.


There are benefits to joining any organization, and the Greek organizations are no different.


If a Greek organizations interest you, look them up and give them a try.


Greek organizations are a pivotal part in a college student’s life, and how they are approached will define their impact.





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