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Top 5 Secrets to Sticking to Resolutions

Jill Odom

January 17, 2013

Well it’s a new year and with the new year there are always resolutions that come with it.


Rather than making decisions that you never manage to stick to, this time use some tips to help stay on track.


These tips are probably no brainers, but sometimes you need another voice to point out the obvious.


Resolutions are a declaration to change and to become a better you, so do it this year instead of just saying it.



No. 5 – Create steps to your goal



The worst thing to do is to set a standard but not have any plan to reach your goal. Say you want to become more outgoing, well what are you going to do about it?


Make sure you have small, realistic steps to becoming your new self. Vow to talk to a new person a week, and then join a club that you wouldn’t normally join, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone.


Reward yourself when you follow through and make sure not to quit if you slip up once or twice.


Keep at it, stay determined and turn it into a habit. If you mess up or fail to take advantage of an opportunity, don’t give up at the first chance you get. Pick yourself back up and keep going.



No. 4 – Stay accountable



If you make a resolution to stop smoking, start dieting and exercising or something else and no one knows that you’ve decided to make a change, you are a lot more likely to fail.


Having people check up on how you are doing and removing temptations from you will help in the long run. Sure, you might be mad as they pull you away from a delectable piece of chocolate cake, but they are helping you from giving in to your weak moment.


If they don’t know that you are going to stop smoking then they won’t know that they should discourage you from buying another pack of cigs.


Your friends can also join you in your resolutions and all promising to work out at a certain time, so you don’t feel alone. Sometimes you need people to call you to the carpet about your actions, especially if you swore you would act differently.



No. 3 – Limit the number of resolutions



If you make a huge list of resolutions of things you are going to change about yourself and your life then chances are you will either do none of them or do a poor job of trying to achieve them.


Think quality over quantity. If you can’t help but make a giant list, then split them up by the year you want to do them.  Pick three resolutions at the most. The less you have the more you can focus individually on them.



If you only have one or two resolutions, it’s a whole lot easier to remember them and keep your eye on the prize. With 20 or more resolutions you’ll lose track of which ones you’ve been faithful to and which ones even matter in the long run.


For instance, if you vow to put something profound on Facebook every day…is that really going to matter? Are you going to be better for it or even learn anything? Narrow down your choices by being realistic.



No. 2 – Be specific



If you are going to make declarations of self-control then don’t be vague. If you say, “I want to lose weight,” you have no true, measurable goal or form of success.


Instead say “I want to lose X amount of pounds before the beach trip in July.” Now you have a specific weight and time set for to aim for.


You also need to be honest with yourself, do you have enough drive and dedication to reach said goal? Remember that change requires sacrifice; you will have to give up the doughnuts and stop splurging on food every chance you get.


Pick a healthy alternative that you can still enjoy. Rather than saying you want to make better grades, list what classes you plan to pull your grade up in.


A new semester means a clean slate, and don’t forget you start out with an A in the class; it’s up to you to keep it that way.



No. 1 – Do it



The most important part of making a resolution is doing it. You’ve committed to make a change, now act on it.


Even if you take baby steps, show the tenacity to see it through. Don’t quit when things get tough or you don’t see the point of trying anymore.


If you aren’t trying because you fear failure, you will never do anything of value with life. Everything comes with a risk.


Taking a class means you run the risk of failing, being in a relationship means you risk getting your heart broken.


Instead, think of what happens if you succeed; the feeling of pride when you ace a class – or pass it – after long months of hard work or the indescribable feeling of love when you find the One.


Everything comes at a price, it just depends whether you are willing to pay it.  Stick to your resolutions this year, persevere and you’ll be glad you did.




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