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  • Patrick Stephens

Trojan Arena without physical American flag

Troy student Rob Evers, a junior economics major from Baker, Fla., voiced his concern, not having an American flag in Trojan Arena, to the SGA.

“I, like many of you, had the opportunity to attend the Troy men’s basketball game and watch them beat the mess out of LaGrange last night (Monday), which was a great game, but for the second year in a row I noticed we don’t have a physical American flag in the Trojan arena,” Rob Evers said at the SGA meeting.

Evers said that most of the reason he wanted to bring this to the attention of the SGA was that he had tried to bring this to the attention to the athletic department but was unsuccessful.

“Last semester I scheduled a meeting with John Hartwell, and he never showed up.  I know the SGA has a good working relationship with the athletic department so I wanted to bring this to your attention and request that you see about us getting a real flag inside the Trojan Arena,” Evers said.

“I’ll definitely address this to the athletic department,” said SGA President Cody Farrill, a senior political science major from Panama City, Fla. “I think part of the issue may be with the actual hanging of the flag, but that is no excuse, so we will definitely look into this issue. Surely we have room next to the 93 championship banner.”

During committee reports, the academic life committee reported that they are still striving to conduct research about library hour of operations, looking toward the future about the possibility of extending the hours that they will be open. With finals coming up, this research will be especially important as finals is when the library sees a lot of usage.

There was no old business or items on docket to be discussed at this meeting, however, two new items were placed on docket to be reviewed by the SGA and voted on next week. The first was the constitution of the Beta Iota chapter of the Gamma Iota Sigma honor society.  The purpose of this organization is to recognize those who have outstanding academic achievement in the field of risk management and insurance.

The second item of new business was a proposed update to Title 7, the SGA election laws.  This update would separate the code of election laws into specifics for the three different elections that SGA oversees.  It also clears up some of the wording with certain definitions, such as the difference between what is considered a poster and what is considered a flier.

“I just want to thank everyone for their hard work this past week with the updates to the campaign laws,” said Paul Evans, vice president of legislative affairs and a senior political science major from Montgomery, “ It’s our hope that there will be more clarity for those participating in the elections for what our campaign laws are.  So we really encourage everyone to read those, because we expect a lot of debate due to the amount of stuff that is changing, especially with homecoming court.”

SGA meetings are held every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in TC 119.

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