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  • Jill Odom

Trojan Treasure: Communications Club

(PHOTO/Jill Odom)

The seventh Trojan Treasure is the Communications Club. It meets the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in Wallace Hall Room 107.


The Communications Club is open to all students. It helps members practice their overall communication skills and develop a better understanding of potential careers in the field of communication. It focuses on communication but also does things that are beneficial to all majors.


Its goals are for members to network with one another and with professionals in the communication field.  Members work on enhancing their resumes and making themselves more prepared for the professional world.


The Communications Club was formed so that students interested in communication would have a group with whom to talk and grow so each member can become better professionals in the field.


The Communications Club conducts community service projects and sponsors the annual Forensic Tournament. The Forensic Tournament is a speech competition where students can enter in different divisions such as poetry, prose and storytelling. The date has not been set yet for this year’s Forensic Tournament, but it is usually held in Trojan Center in the spring.


This semester, the organization is focusing on building resumes and talking to professionals in the communication field who can give advice and ideas about the future. On Tuesday, Oct. 1, the group worked with Career Services to enhance resumes.


Currently the Communications Club is working on getting professionals in different careers to come speak at the next meetings. Next semester, the group has planned to hold an etiquette dinner that will be open to all students.


“I think students should join the Communications Club because we just do what we love to do, and that is to communicate with each other,” said club president, Becca Bonner, a senior communication studies major from Eufaula. “Hopefully, students will become more effective communicators and better professionals by being in the club. Also, it is a really relaxed atmosphere, and we have a lot of fun at each meeting. Plus, we have food!”


Bonner said she hoped the group would grow more this semester from the 20 members it has right now. The Communications Club’s sponsor is Dr. Maryjo Cochran.  Dues are $10 a semester and $20 for a whole year.


For those who want to get in contact with the Communications Club can email Becca Bonner at or join the Facebook group Troy University Communication Club 2013-2014.

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