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  • Brittany DeLong

Troy career services puts on boot camp for juniors and seniors

(PHOTO/Brittany DeLong)

Junior and senior level students are encouraged to attend the Troy Career Services Boot Camp as preparation for this year’s career fair on Oct. 9.


Career Services will be hosting two sessions of the boot camp each day on Monday Oct. 7 and Tuesday Oct. 8. The first session will be “Dress for Success/Making a Lasting Impression” at 3 p.m., and the second session will be “Prepare for the Fair – How to get your ‘boot’ in the door from an employer’s perspective” at 4 p.m.


“As far as the boot camp goes (during the first session) we will discuss the importance of dressing and handling yourself professionally, “ said Emily Albritton, Troy University Career Services graduate assistant. “We have Erica Tetsworth from PLS Logistics Services coming to talk to students (during the second session) about the do’s and don’ts of a career fair, how to approach a table and talk to an employer, and the importance of having an up to date résumé.”


Lauren Cole, coordinator for Troy Career Services, shared topics that will be discussed during the boot camp:


— How to approach employers confidently. The sessions will discuss how to prepare an appropriate summary of your skills, goals and background to interest employers and leave a lasting impression.


— How to make networking connections with employers in your industry of interest and possibly discover new career avenues you have never thought of.


— How to create a presentable, error free résumé that will stand out.


“There will be no other opportunities for students, from freshman to seniors, where they can walk in a room with 40 employers who want to talk to you and get to know you,” Cole said. “It is much harder when you don’t have that opportunity and have to approach employers one by one on your own.”


The employers attending the career fair are listed on Trojan Recruiting Live, a jobs database, and can be accessed from


Cole said that free professional headshots will also be provided at the career fair and that the better prepared you are for the career fair, the better chance you have to win prizes including a Nook Color.


The employers will hold the raffle tickets and give them to the students who impress them the most.

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