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Troy celebrates Recycles Day


Kacee Holmes

Ansley Miller photo Community members come together for Recycling Day.

Citizens of Troy showed up and showed out at Keep Troy Beautiful’s annual Recycles Day held Saturday morning at Lowes.

Individuals participated in recycling items such as old documents and electronics.

Keep Troy Beautiful holds the event each year with multiple partners in conjunction with America Recycles Day. “To be able to bring out all their things, their old electronics, they can bring this out, and just have a one-stop drop off where it's easy for the people of Troy,” said Melissa Sanders, the executive director of Keep Troy Beautiful. “It is really just a great event that I think the city provides.”

Others point out the ease with which individuals can utilize recycling day.

“Troy Recycles Day helps our citizens by allowing them to shred those personal documents they’ve been keeping and also keeps those documents out of the landfills for recycling,” said Jennifer Graf, the secretary for Troy recycling. “Going to an event like this not only helps your community but understands how it can help other people with cleaning up their homes and getting rid of objects or trash that serve them no purpose anymore.”

Members of the committee spoke about how they think the day should be shared with other cities.

“We get a lot of positive feedback from this event,” Sanders said. “I do think something like this would work well in many cities and help all their residents.

“Having an Annual Recycling Day in each city would benefit each town and its residents by not only keeping them clean, but also just making it a safe environment for the ecosystem.”

For more information about Troy recycling, visit



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