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  • Patrick Stephens

Troy international student plans a school in South Sudan

This past Tuesday’s weekly meeting of the Troy University Student Government Association’s Senate began with the recognition of a guest speaker.


Andrew Mandis, a senior history education major, is attending Troy University all the way from South Sudan.


He began his talk to the assembled Senate talking about growing up in his home country.  He spoke about the hard times of growing up in a country plagued by war.


Eventually he was able to befriend a Christian missionary that allowed him to begin attending school.  Andrew said that unlike most of the schools here in America, there was no school building in which he and his classmates met in.  Instead, they met wherever they could.


After completing his basic education, he was given the opportunity to go to high school in Uganda and further his education.  He welcomed this opportunity to be able to complete his high school education and do it in a country that allowed Christianity.


Once finished with his high school education, he again was offered the opportunity to be able to finish his education and go on to college.


After completing an associate’s degree here in Alabama at Southern Union State Community College and Jefferson State, he enrolled in Troy University.  His eventual plan upon finishing his degree is to be able to move back home and start an official school there.


His work right now is to continue to fundraise for this project.


“Dollar by dollar, and brick by brick” he said, “Is how this school will be built.”


For more information on Andrew’s project, you can go to

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