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  • Lilly Casolaro

Troy signs transfer agreements

Nearly 450 current Troy students formerly attended Lurleen B. Wallace Community College (LBW) in Andalusia; nearly 500 current Troy students formerly attended Southern Union State Community College in Montgomery; and nearly 1,167 current Troy students formerly attended Wallace Community College in Dothan.


Chancellor Jack Hawkins signed a reverse transfer agreement with these three schools, allowing current Troy students who previously earned 15 credit hours at the community college and at least 3 hours at Troy University to attain their associate degree while also working towards a bachelor degree.


Former students of these community colleges are able to transfer credit back to the community college to earn an associate’s degree usually awarded after the completion of a two year course of study.


On September 17, Herbert H.J. Riedel, President of LBW, said the agreement was a sign of the commitment of both LBW and Troy University to better serving students.


The reverse transfer agreement strengthens relationships between community colleges and Troy University, creating greater partnerships.


Mark Heinrich, Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System said the agreement gives students better opportunities, in regards to the agreement signed with Southern Union State Community College.


“What is being done here today will provide students a better opportunity to complete their education and contribute in a meaningful way in our great country and world,” Heinrich said August 28. “It is so important that we are innovative and come up with new ways to serve our students.”


This agreement not only benefits the student but also the community college, university, and the state.


“It’s good public policy and that’s where we have got to keep our sights: not on individual interests, not on institutional interests, but on what’s in the best interest of the state of Alabama,” Hawkins said at the LBW signing.


The reverse transfer agreement provides advantages to the student by allowing dual degrees and future educational achievement.


“It is a very important opportunity because the student is the beneficiary,” said Linda Young, President of WCC, on September 23. “We’re giving the student an opportunity for success, and, as educators, we know that’s our business.”


“The agreement we sign today will increase our service to students by providing an easier path to the associate degree,” Hawkins said, on August 28. “The more we can reward people in a very symbolic and meaningful fashion, the more it translates into both dollars and sense for these people and the state of Alabama.”


Previous students of Lurleen B. Wallace Community College, Southern Union State Community College, and Wallace Community College will be accommodated for receiving an undergraduate degree while striving towards an extended program that typically lasts three to five years.



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