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Troy Student Secular Alliance hosts Shelley Segal concert

The Troy University Secular Student Alliance will be hosting a free concert featuring Shelly Segal this Saturday, Oct. 10.


Shelley Segal, an Australian singer-songwriter, feminist and secular activist, will be performing at 7 p.m. at the Claudia Crosby Theater in Smith Hall.


Segal has collaborated with Adam Levy, guitarist for Norah Jones and Tracy Chapman, and her song “Saved” has become an anthem for grass-roots secular activists.


“I think the students at Troy should come out to see Shelley because we just don’t have people like her come to this area of the country very often,” said Courtney Wehrspaun, senior English major from Pensacola, Fl and president of TUSSA.


“She has a beautiful singing voice and personality and I think it would be good for the students to hear some issues talked about that aren’t allowed to be talked about in the Bible Belt. She offers a different perspective than what we’re used to.”


Wehrspaun said TUSSA was founded to offer a safe zone for secular, or non-religious, students.


“Many of our members are students who are in that “questioning” stage in life and want to learn more than just what their families have told them,” Wehrspaun said.


“We offer an open-minded community for discussions and plan to be involved in many educational and informative events.”


Wehrspaun said she encourages interested students to come to TUSSA meetings on Tuesday nights at 5:30 in Room 222 of Bibb Graves.

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