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  • Valario Johnson

Troy students will not see semester extension due to snow days

Troy University closed its doors last week due to dangerous weather conditions that included iced-over roads and snow. Friday, an academic committee met to discuss if the missed days should be made up.


A decision was made that students and faculty would not be required to make up the classes that were canceled last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.


“While the last couple of days’ weather-induced disruption on this and other Troy campuses was unfortunate, we will not be extending the length of the semester as a consequence of the campus closures,” said Earl Ingram, senior vice chancellor of academic affairs.


The winter storm caused many Troy campuses to close, including the Dothan, Montgomery and Phenix City campuses. Campuses in Georgia and Florida also took precautions to ensure the safety of students and faculty.


Ingram said that Troy faculty members are more than equipped to deal with a slightly shorter semester.


“Our faculty members are very capable, creative, and will certainly make best use of the remaining several weeks to compensate for the loss of contact time this week,” Ingram said.


The Troy campus has just five weeks before midterms are scheduled to take place.


Teresa Barr, a freshman mathematics education major from Phenix City, does not feel that the few days she had off from classes could affect her semester that much.


“I enjoyed the snow days and the extended time we had off from school, but I certainly do not want to make up the days that we missed,” Barr said.


Updates about Troy’s canceled classes last week were sent out through both emails and texts from the university’s SOS system. If you did not receive these notifications, and you would like to for future updates including weather and safety alerts, you can register with the system at


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