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  • Laura Hutto

Troy University Snow Week

Updated: May 31

PHOTO/ Wes Fortson

Snow and ice closed Troy University for three days this week.


Unfortunately, this meant that nobody could drive, meaning food and other commodities were hard to come by. Some turned to walking to places that remained open to get food.


It seemed as though it was going to be a tough week. This did not stop Troy students from finding entertainment in the unusually wintry weather, which lasted through Thursday.


Activities began Tuesday night as the first snowflakes fell on campus. In no time, students emerged from their dorms and apartments and began to enjoy the snow.


There did not seem to be an unoccupied hill on campus as they were filled with students and sleds. Students proved their creativity with these makeshift sleds, which were made from ironing boards, cardboard boxes, plastic bins and their lids, laundry baskets, swimming pools and more.


“Most folks were on yoga mats, cardboard and plastic tub lids. My weapon of choice was the kiddie pool. I was also armed with a Socker Bopper on my right to protect some fingers that are still recovering from surgery,” said Josh Harrison, senior Spanish major from Prattville.


Students also made art during the snow days.


Snowmen, snow angels and many snow drawings decorated the campus and many cars. Harrison also contributed to the art.


“We made a 5-foot snowman and named him Jefferson Snow-Dayvis,” Harrison said.


Some students on Troy’s baseball and softball teams even decorated their snowman in Troy apparel. They represented the baseball coach by decorating the snowman in a No. 9 baseball jersey, a clock and baseball bats.



“The number nine on the jersey represents Coach Smartt. The time on the clock is a symbol Coach Smartt uses for running bases,” said Wes Fortson, sophomore business management major from Pell City and one of the baseball team’s managers.


One of the more popular spots for snow art and entertainment was the Trojan Arena.


“We came together at the Trojan Arena to have fun. It was a cool bonding experience outside the classroom,” said Brittany Threats, freshman biology education major from Eufaula.


One of the activities that brought students together was snowball fights. These were happening all over campus on both Tuesday and Wednesday and everyone who found themselves outside was included. The baseball team also got involved.


“Some members of the team got into a truck and drove around campus throwing snowballs at people and starting snowball fights,” Fortson said.


The fun was not only limited to snow related activities as some students also played Ultimate Frisbee. One student involved was Doug Dyer, junior biomedical sciences major from Frostproof, Fla.


“We played on the band field Wednesday afternoon. The cold wasn’t too bad especially since we were running around. Some guys even played in shorts,” Dyer said.


The fun ended as the snow and ice began to melt and normal Troy University life began again today. Even though the snow fun ended, students created long lasting memories this week that will carry on throughout the years.

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