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  • Jamal Carswell

UAC Step Tease

Many stereotypes and pre-conceived notions surround Step Teases and Greek organizations, but last Thursday’s Step Tease forced students to give those organizations a second thought.


The Step Tease featured many of Troy University’s Greek organizations. These fraternities and sororities danced in the traditional form of ‘stepping’.



Stepping is closely related to tap dancing. The difference that stepping offers the participants to use their entire bodies as instruments; stomping and slapping in unison to create their own beat.


Some members even displayed their athleticism by backflips, both on and off of the stage. The participants in the Step Tease combined the elements of teamwork, precision, and talent.


Whereas the moves were tight and crisp, the Step Tease kept a lighthearted and fun feeling throughout it.


The Step Tease added elements of modern culture, including songs and references relating to many of the students present. The event also called for student engagement, asking some to stand up and demonstrate a popular dance and by holding a raffle during the event. The raffle gave students a chance to win a check for one hundred dollars. Olivia Crawford, a sophomore nursing major from Eufaula, was the winner of the raffle.


Crawford expressed her excitement and appreciation for the prize, and said it was a much-needed boost for her book funds.


“I really enjoyed it. Everybody did a great job, and the groups had a real presence when they performed. They really got the crowd hyped up,” Crawford said.



A special guest group featured at the end of the event was LIT, a local music group brought in by the Troy University UAC. LIT gave a performance that mixed hip-hop, pop, and R&B.


The Step Tease was also a bit of a learning experience; different fraternities and sororities gave speeches, on where their organizations were founded, who founded them and what principles their organizations are based on.


Students were encouraged to attend the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Greek Convocation on Aug. 21.


The NPHC Greek Convocation is a mandatory event for all those seeking to join a Greek organization. The NPHC Convocation is an open forum for the NPHC members to showcase their organization and answer the questions of those seeking to join.


The NPHC Council requires business attire of all participants. Online registration is required and ends Aug. 21.


The NPHC Greek Convocation will be held in Trojan Ballrooms A and B at 7 p.m.

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