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  • Lasata Shrestha

Why go Greek? Students share insight on fraternities, sororities

On the heels of Greek Week, Troy students discussed why they personally chose to join Greek organizations.

According to U.S. News, almost one out of every three students at Troy are members of the Greek community. With 22 nationally recognized Greek organizations, there is no doubt of Greek life’s prominence at Troy.

While many people join Greek organizations to gain a social network and a sense of community, there are countless other perks to Greek life that attract students.

“I knew about the old tests, lab reports and notes that were available through connection before joining a sorority,” said Jane Doe, a Troy University student who wished to remain anonymous.

“So I knew what else could help me in school besides the friendship and support.”

She added that even if the readily available study guides and materials helped a lot, they did not ensure one’s success in class.

“Just because I have all the materials does not mean I do not have to attend classes, but it just gets easier.”

On the other hand, Jenny Doe, another Troy University student who wished to remain anonymous, said, “I mostly joined a sorority so that it would be easier to make friends. I thought it was the only way to make friends in college.”

To outsiders or independent students, Greek life may seem like a pass to a fun college experience with ready-made friends and unlimited party invitations.

Julian Achemdey, a sophomore biomedical sciences major from Hahoe, Ghana, also had invalid assumptions prior to befriending members of the Greek community.

He assumed that members of the Greek community limited their connections to within those same social circles.

“They look very busy socializing with themselves, but not all of them are like that,” Achemdey said.

Media may perpetuate stereotypes. These stereotypes may overshadow the philanthropies the members are involved with.

Cory Harper, a junior marine biology major from Baker, Florida, and a member of Alpha Tau Omega, agrees on the social perks of Greek life but denies the stereotypes that follow it.

“Knowing more people has given me better insight into courses and teachers,” Harper said. “I do believe I have had a better college experience.

“But Greek life is not the drunk party everyone thinks it is. People look at the extreme sides of Greek life, and that is where the bad stereotypes come from.”

Michaella Kroeger, a junior exercise science major from Muscle Shoals and member of Kappa Delta, also spoke against the stereotypes regarding Greek life. She mentioned that it was not only the desires to be socially included that made people choose to join Greek organizations, but also the philanthropies each house supports.

“As someone who has had personal experience with (child abuse), the philanthropy meant that much more to me,” she said.

“I am so blessed to be able to work hands-on with the Pike Regional Child Advocacy Center to help raise money for Prevent Child Abuse America.”

Similarly, Harper said he, too, felt a personal connection with ATO’s philanthropy.

“Our philanthropy is a 130-mile walk to Panama City to raise money for the wounded warriors. I’m in the National Guard, so that was a personal tie,” he said. “I actually did the walk myself a couple years ago.”

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