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  • Pradyot Sharma

Will Roy Moore win with morality?

The unusual combination of President Donald Trump backing an establishment candidate did not pan out as former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore emerged victorious in the Republican primary for the Alabama Senate seat.


Moore defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who had been appointed to replace Jeff Sessions earlier this year and was endorsed by both Trump and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.


In an election that mirrored the presidential race involving two highly unfavorable candidates, the ultimate victor boasts a resume that includes being removed from the state Supreme Court twice, the second time when he refused to implement the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. Strange, on the other hand, was no less controversial, as he famously prosecuted former Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley only to be appointed by him to the Senate before Bentley’s eventual resignation.


Alabama’s baffling political stunts do not seem to die down. Moore, a candidate whose candidacy hinged more on his Christian beliefs rather than policy issues, could well join a rank of politicians who have only served to create turmoil and bring a bad reputation to the Christian faith at large. He has historically taken controversial sides on issues, famously saying legalizing gay marriage was worse than segregation.


While Moore may be a strong individual of faith, his actions seem to be catering to a voting base rather than exemplifying his personal beliefs. Earlier this week, Moore pulled out a handgun in a rally to assure voters he supports the Second Amendment.


Moore goes on to face Democratic nominee Doug Jones in the main race.


Moore has already declared that he wouldn’t be a faithful follower of party agenda, but his stance on issues would create a whole new faction in the Senate altogether were he to be elected this December.

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