Downballot candidates, amendments increase midterm significance

Scott Shelton Staff Writer During the midterm elections, the state of Alabama won’t elect a senator or a new president, so it might be tempting to stay at home on Nov. 6 and say it doesn’t matter. However, I believe we should care about every election because local and state elections affect us just as much as national elections.  The race with the most significance for Alabamians this cycle will be the governor’s race between incumbent Kay Ivey and Democratic challenger Walt Maddox.  But there are also other important races…

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Alabama must vote policy over hypocrisy

Emma Daniel Staff Writer Alabama likes to consider itself morally perfect compared to other states, since it is smack-dab in the middle of the Bible Belt. Sadly, it seems our supposed morality is a cover-up; Alabama was named No. 1 in political corruption by Illinois State University’s Institute for Corruption Studies. We take the first spot in “legal corruption,” in which political behavior is legal but unethical, and we are second place for “illegal corruption,” behavior which is straight-up unlawful. Why do our politicians tout such a supposed moral attitude…

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Doesn’t Alabama deserve Moore?

James Shipma graphic Scott Shelton discusses the major campaign slogans of Roy Moore, and questions how they stand compared to his previous actions and predecessors. Scott Shelton Staff Writer Roy Moore defeated Luther Strange to win the Republican Party’s nomination in an election that saw Roy Moore and Alabama voters undermine the Republicans in Washington, D.C. Before the election, the two candidates had a Lincoln-Douglas-style debate in which there was no moderator, and each candidate got a chance to speak for five minutes at a time about any topic of…

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Will Roy Moore win with morality?

  Pradyot Sharma Staff Writer The unusual combination of President Donald Trump backing an establishment candidate did not pan out as former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore emerged victorious in the Republican primary for the Alabama Senate seat. Moore defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who had been appointed to replace Jeff Sessions earlier this year and was endorsed by both Trump and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell. In an election that mirrored the presidential race involving two highly unfavorable candidates, the ultimate victor boasts a resume that includes being removed…

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