Get something for nothing on Facebook

(Graphic/Dior Brown) Oluwaseun Omotayo Staff Writer The Buy Nothing Troy Facebook group offers students and Troy residents  the chance to give and receive gifts with others in the community. The Buy Nothing project started as the Buy Nothing Bainbridge intending to create small communities dedicated to sharing. The idea has grown to a worldwide network, and Troy, Alabama, is not left out. The project is utilizing social media to spread change by using Facebook as a tool for bringing people together, so they can help each other. The group is…

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Rugby club hits big on campus

(PHOTO/ Chris Wallace) Oluwaseun Omotayo Contributor There may be end zones, a ball and some field goals, but it isn’t football. The sport is rugby, and several Troy students have formed a club. It is akin to American football; but, there are some major differences, like the scoring method. “There are three major differences between rugby and American football,” said Hill Beedy, a Junior accounting major from Fairhope, Alabama. “There is minimum protective wear, passing the ball forward is not allowed and play does not stop during a tackle. Unlike…

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